How do you say “fasting” & “abstinence” in your language? Kapampángan has distinct words for these disciplines which are observed during the Lenten season, so let’s learn about their differences!
AYÚNU • (uh-YOO-noo)
a fast (not eating); fasting
Similar: kulasiun (“light meal during fasting”)
Etymology: Spanish ayuno (“fast”)
Tagálog (Filipino): ayúno
PANGÍLIN • (puh-NGEE-lin)
something refrained or abstained from, taboo; root form for “abstinence” (pámangílin), “to abstain” (mangílin)
Synonym: paníti
Tagálog (Filipino): pangílin
Difference between Fasting and Abstinence for Catholics during Lent
Pámagayúnu (Fasting) = reduction of intake of food
Pámangílin (Abstinence) = refraining from something good, like meat
Pámagayúnu: Only one meal the whole day
Pámangílin: Meat is avoided; Fish, eggs, & milk are allowed
Pámagayúnu: Ash Wednesday & Good Friday
Pámangílin: Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, & all Fridays of Lent
Pámagayúnu: 18-59 years old
Pámangílin: 14 years and above
Derived Words
PÁMAGAYÚNU • (PAH-muhg-uh-YOO-noo)
Tagálog (Filipino): pag-aayúno
Tagálog (Filipino): pangingílin
Derived Kapampángan Surname
PÁNGILÍNAN • (PAH-ngee-LEE-nuhn)
a common Kapampángan surname, from pangilinan (“to refrain or abstain from something”)
Verb Conjugation
magayúnu, mágayúnu, migayúnu – to fast (Actor Focus)
mangílin, mángílin, méngílin – to refrain or abstain from (Actor Focus)
pangilinan, pángilinan, péngilinan – to refrain or abstain from something (Object Focus)
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