The Banglag

The Banglag Agta Arrows Used To Shoot Humans Among the Agta in Sierra Madre, the banglag, is a specialized arrow with a carved and whittled point from the anaw palm (Livistiona rotundifolia). This is always smeared with poisonous tree sap and stored inside a narrow bamboo sheath. The arrow is made specifically for shooting humans. … Read more

Mabal Tabih

MABAL TABIH. This handwoven ikat fabric is traditionally worn as a tubular skirt for women and is secured with a brass belt. It is worn during special occasions, including weddings and festivals. Just like the t’nalak of the Tboli and the inabal of the Bagobo, the process involved in weaving the tabih includes harvesting of … Read more

Hypotheses on Negrito Origins

Hypotheses on Negrito Origins According to dominant thoughts on human origins and variation during the colonial period until the mid-20th century, all dark-skinned, curly-haired, and small-statured people dispersed across Asia, Australia, and the islands of Oceania belong to a single race. Portrayals of racial categorization among indigenous groups and the colonials in illustrations and photographs … Read more

Negritos of the Philippines

Negritos of the Philippines The Philippine Negritos. The word “Negrito”, a Spanish term pertaining to a small black person, was used by Spanish missionaries and chroniclers from the late 16th century onwards in documenting indigenous groups with dark-colored skin, curly or kinky hair and small-bodied physique. This term is also synonymous to “Negrillos” and “cimarrones”, … Read more


INABAL. In the Bagobo society, the inabal (ikat-dyed woven abaca cloth) is considered a symbol of wealth, offerings to deities, and gifts to those who officiate rituals. These finely woven fabrics become ikut or sacred objects when inherited and used as protective charms that guarantee the completion of houses. Among the weaving communities, textiles form … Read more