How do you say “thanks” in your language?
SALÁMAT • (suh-LAH-muht)
thanks; Thank you!
Tagálog (Filipino): salámat
From Arabic سلامات (salāmāt), plural of سلامة (salāma) “good health”, via Malay selamat “safe, secure; welfare, happiness; congratulations”
Kapampángan Expression
Dakal a salámat! [Kap]
Maráming salámat! [Tag]
Thank you very much! (literally “Many thanks!”) [Eng]
Derived Word
PÁMAGPASALÁMAT • (PAH-muhg-puh-suh-LAH-muht)
thanking, thanksgiving
Tagálog (Filipino): pagpápasalámat
KAPASALAMATAN • (kuh-puh-suh-luh-muh-TUHN)
Synonym & Tagálog: pasasalámat
MAPAGPASALÁMAT • (muh-puhg-puh-suh-LAH-muht)
grateful, thankful
Tagálog (Filipino): mapagpasalámat
Verb Conjugation
magpasalámat, mágpasalámat, migpasalámat – to thank, give thanks (Actor Focus)
pasalámat, pásalámat, pésalámat – to thank, give thanks (Actor Focus)
pasalamátan, pásalamátan, pésalamátan – to thank someone/something (Object Focus)
Example Sentence
Bísá yang magpasalámat kékayu ngan. [Kap]
Gustó niyang magpasalámat sa inyóng lahát. [Tag]
S/he would like to thank all of you. [Eng]
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