
The Bantayanon Bisayan term for weaving banigs, mats woven from laguiluiy (pandanus leaves), is “La-a” – meaning, ‘to just be / to just exist / to just be chilling on the floor, weaving a mat.’ Manang Sonya Aloba of Okoy, Santa Fe is one of the last two elder banig weavers of Bantayan island, who … Read more


Agli It’s the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and a Kapampángan town is named after it which is considered as the town’s patron saint. AGLÎ • (uhg-LEE’)(to) conceive, conception; pregnancy cravingsTagálog (Filipino): lihî Derived WordKÁKAGLÎ • (KAH-kuhg-lee’)conceiving; craving (during pregnancy)Tagálog (Filipino): naglílihì PÁMANGAGLÎ • (PAH-muh-nguhg-lee’)conception; pregnancy cravingTagálog (Filipino): paglilihî Verb Conjugationkumaglî, kákaglî, kínaglî – to … Read more

Out-of-School Youth Skills Education Act

Out-of-School Youth Skills Education Act The House Committee on Higher and Technical Education has approved “in principle” the proposal to institutionalize free technical-vocational courses for out-of-school youth (OSY). The bill also requires Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to provide materials, instruments, and tools, as well as financial assistance to cover transportation and other … Read more

Tboli Spear

Tboli Spear  This fishing spear is found in some of the provinces in Mindanao and the Tboli group, who dwell by Lake Sebu. The spear is made of bamboo and is around 130 meters long. The end is blunt while the tip is cut to produce two sharp prongs. The sharpened pointed tips are lashed … Read more

Tboli Arrows

Tboli Arrows  For the T’boli, the arrows are used for subsistence and hunting. Some of these include monkeys and wild pigs for their meat. These arrows are nocked from a bow. Made of methodically sharpened bamboo, the tips are fastened with metal, hafted into the bamboo stick, and secured with resin and hemp. Many years … Read more