Rattan Sheath

This blade implement comes with a matching rattan sheath. Braided rattan for the hilt allows the user to have a better grip. The rattan sheath may seem like a misjudgment at first glance, but the abundance of this combined with the commonality of the knife’s use makes the rattan a more practical choice. This shows … Read more


The baho-ne-fet or bow-and-arrow is a hunting tool used by the Tboli group in Mindanao. The quiver is made of a large bamboo with its insides emptied up to the node, which serves as its bottom. For some groups in Mindanao, the poison from the camandag tree is gathered and pooled at the bottom of … Read more

Blaan Wooden Stake

Blaan Wooden StakeĀ  This wooden stake is used by the Blaan group, who reside in Central Mindanao. The quadrilateral end indicates that this may have been a stopper while the other end is pointed, indicating that this was used to stab. As a subsistence material, this may have been used alongside the chicken snares, widely … Read more

Philippines shift to a circular economy

Philippines’ shift to a circular economy Embrace emerging technologies. Shift to the circular economy. Green the business landscape. Do these not only to climate-proof and prepare your businesses for the new economy, but also to boost the country’s economic resurgence. (Benjamin Diokno – Secretary of Finance) Why do the Philippines need to transition from a … Read more


The scabbard or salungan in Maguindanao is an equally important part of the blade, referred to in many poetry as the sword’s resting place. This scabbard is made of wood, carved at the opening to mirror the blade’s intricate crossguard. It is held together by hemp or split rattan and cloth. What may seem like … Read more