Betel Nut Chewing in the Philippines
Betel chewing has been a prevalent practice in different parts of the Philippines. The most intricate boxes, containers, trays, and spitoons come from this extensive custom. The betel paraphernalia comes in different shapes and sizes and metalsmiths, particularly in Mindanao, often use brass and bronze metal in casting it.
The areca nut is cut into segments, dabbed with lime mixed with water or oil, and wrapped in betel leaves to form a quid.
Source: Ongpin Valdes, Cynthia. “L’Asie Exotique: Betel Chewing in the Philippines.” L’Asie Exotique – Asian Antiques & Ethnographic Arts – Introduction to Our Gallery. Accessed March 24, 2022. https://www.lasieexotique.com/page/LasieExotique-mag_betel.
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