Bisaya: Kalasag
Tagalog: Adarga; Pananggalang!
The Tinguian often use a spear, head ax, and kalasag in past headhunting practices. The top part of the kalasag which is cut into three prongs in the shape of a “W” is used to catch the warrior’s human prey by the legs and hold them down, while the two-pronged bottom part is used to secure the neck before cutting it down.
Source: Maranan, Edgardo B., and Monica P. Consing “Tinguian” in CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art Digital Edition., with contributions from Felicidad A. Prudente, and E. Arsenio Manuel and updated by Rosario Cruz- Lucero and Gonzalo A. Campoamor II. Cultural Center of the Philippines, 2020. Accessed September 24, 2021. https://epa.culturalcenter.gov.ph/1/2/2377/
Image Source: Nayong Pilipino Foundation, Kalasag from the Cordillera, Digital Archival Photo, 4, 272 x 2, 848 pixels., NPF – Ethnographic Collection.
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