Today is National Reconciliation Day which also coincides this year with Palm Sunday, the start of the Holy Week. How do you say “reconciliation” in your language?
PÁNGASUT • (PAH-nguh-soot)
reconciliation, propitiation, atonement
Tagálog (Filipino): pagkakásundò, pagpapalúbag-loob
Example Sentence
Romans 5:11
“…king pámamílatan na ning Ginú tang Jésu-Crísto, a king úlí na kimtan támu ngéni ing pángasut.”
Tagálog (Filipino):
“…sa pamamagítan ng áting Panginoóng Jesucristo, na sa pamamagítan niya’y tinamô nátin ngayón ang pagkakásundò.”
“…through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”
Root Word
SUT • (soot)
(to) reconcile, propitiate, atone
Tagálog (Filipino): (makipagka)sundô
Verb Conjugation
sumut, súsut, sínut – to reconcile, propitiate, atone (Actor Focus)
sútan, susútan, sítan – to reconcile, propitiate, atone to someone (Object Focus)
isut, susut, sinut – to reconcile, propitiate, atone someone (Object Focus)