It’s the longest night (or day, for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere of the year! How do you say “night” in your language?
BÉNGI • (BEH-ngi)
night, evening
Tagálog (Filipino): gabí
Kapampángan Greeting
Máyap a béngi! [Kap]
Magandáng gabí! [Tag]
Good evening! [Eng]
Derived Words:
NABÉNGI / NÁBÉNGI • (nuh-BEH-ngi / NAH-BEH-ngi)
last night
Tagálog (Filipino): kagabí
every night
Tagálog (Filipino): gabí-gabí
Derived Compound:
KAPITÁNGANG BÉNGI • (kuh-pi-TAH-nguhng BEH-ngi)
Tagalog: hátinggabi
Verb conjugation:
mabéngi, mabebéngi, mébéngi – to be caught by the night; to last late until night (actor focus)
Example sentence:
Mébéngi ku nábéngi. [Kap]
Ginabí akó kagabí. [Tag]
I got home late last night. [Eng]
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