
Gadur, one of the Maranao-produced brasswares, has a distinct tall-spired lid and a body decorated with floral and geometric designs. It is generally a container of any sort, a decorative object, a flower vase, or a centerpiece in modern homes. It is also a ceremonial gift for the bride’s family given by the groom’s relatives … Read more


Kendi Home is where your teapots are! Take a look at this traditional Maguindanao teapot used to contain or store boiled water. It is a brass teapot with a spherical body and an elongated spout. It has a height of 12 centimeters, provided with a cover, holder, and brass rings. This Kendi forms part of … Read more


Huani or Juani Huani (Mangifera odorata) is a popular variety of mango in Mindanao because of its unique smell. The ripe fruit has an orange-yellow firm flesh that is fibrous, sourish-sweet, juicy, with a pungent smell and taste. Its exact origin remains unknown. It is widely cultivated in Borneo, Sumatra, and Java and confined to … Read more


The Maranao’s Sara or Ayaga is a traditional strainer or sifter made of a coconut shell with an open rim and multiple small holes on its bottom, inserted with a long carved wood as a handle. It is used to sift the mixture of the Muslim delicacy in Mindanao called tiateg in Maranao, jah or … Read more


LUHUL or canopy is a traditional Tausug tapestry used to decoratively cover the ceiling part of a house during festive occasions. It serves as protection from leaves, pests, and dust. In traditional luhul making, the Tausug uses applique needlework, cutting “ukkil” patterns on white cloth and stitching it onto a larger plain-colored piece of fabric. … Read more