What are the 5 ships of Magellan?

what are the 5 ships of magellan
What are the 5 ships of Magellan? | @nqcPhilippines

What are the 5 ships of Magellan?

The 5 ships of Magellan are:

  1. Trinidad,
  2. San Antonio,
  3. Concepcion,
  4. Santiago, and
  5. Victoria.

Magellan left Seville with 5 ships: the flagship Trinidad, the San Antonio, the Concepcion, the Santiago, and the Victoria.

The San Antonio left the expedition after its crew mutinied at Port San Julian in 1519. The Santiago was wrecked as the fleet passed through the Southern Tip of South America (Now known as the Straits of Magellan). The Concepcion was burned by the survivors of the Battle of Mactan and the Ambush at Cebu off the coast of Bohol on 1 May 1521 as they were being pursued by the men of Rajah Humabon.

The Trinidad, by this time under the command of Gonzalo de Espinosa, was captured by the Portuguese in the Mollucas as it attempted to make its way back to Spain via the Pacific Route. Only Victoria, under Juan Sebastian Elcano, completed the journey with 18 surviving crew after they successfully reached the port of Sanlucar de Barrameda in Spain on 6 September 1522, almost 3 years since they began their world-changing expedition.

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