The coldest days in the Philippines are here! Pampanga saw its coldest morning yet for 2023 with Clark dropping to 19°C this morning!
DIMLA • (dim-LUH)
the cold
Tagálog (Filipino): lamíg, gináw
Derived Word:
MARIMLA • (muh-rim-LUH)
cold, chilly
Tagálog (Filipino): malamíg
Verb conjugation:
dimla, dírimla, dínimla – to get cold (actor focus)
parimlan, páparimlan, périmlan – to make something cold (object focus)
Example sentence:
Dínimlá né ing pámangan. [Kap]
Lumamíg na ang pagkáin. [Tag]
The food has gotten cold. [Eng]
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