Dr. Ernesto J. del Rosario is widely regarded as the country’s foremost biofuels expert. He is well-known for his pioneering research and development work on unique and practical ethanol fermentation techniques utilizing a variety of substrates such as sugary substrates, novel starch substrates like cassava, unripe or reject bananas, and lignocellulosic agricultural wastes. He developed and optimized pretreatment and saccharification procedures for these difficult-to-ferment lignocellulosic materials.
Dr. del Rosario became a Director of the Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) for nine years. He was also the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, UPLB for three years. He made a significant contribution to enhancing laboratory instruction in Physical Chemistry at the institution and teaching multiple undergraduate post-graduate courses in several chemistry areas.
Acd. del Rosario obtained his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (magna cum laude) from the University of the Philippines Diliman in 1963, his Master of Science and his Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Chemistry from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in 1966, and 1970, respectively. He was elected to the Academy as Academician in 2011.
For more information about Dr. del Rosario, you may visit the NAST PHL website using this link: https://members.nast.ph/index.php/list-of-nast-members/details/1/55
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