Acopiando Leña

Felix Laureano’s ‘Acopiando Leña’ (Gathering Firewood) offers a poignant portrayal of late 19th-century rural Filipino life, focusing on the laborious task of gathering firewood. The image depicts individuals from a rural community engaged in this essential activity, showcasing their resilience and reliance on natural resources amidst lush surroundings typical of the Philippines during Laureano’s era. … Read more


In the face of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross, how does one show faith and devotion? Filipino Catholics in Morong, Rizal collectively recollect Christ’s passion during Holy Week through their cordero procession. It is a community tradition marked by the procession of and partaking in the cordero, a lamb-shaped pastry made from kamote (sweet … Read more

Puni and Magdarame

Fire Signs, hearts up! This year’s Holy Week will be notable as the transition between the first 2 Fire Signs of the Kapampángan Zodiac (Limbúlan), Punî and Mágdarámé, will coincide with it! Punî (the shrine of reading) & Mágdarámé (the penitent) are the 10th & 11th signs of Limbúlan. They are based on two iconic … Read more

Portrait of Hadji Dayang-Dayang Piandao

Portrait of Hadji Dayang-Dayang Piandao Her close relationship with Sultan Jamalul Kiram II gave her influence over the people of Sulu which she used to promote peace and unity. She also campaigned for the right of women to vote. The NHCP commissioned this 2018 portrait by Carlo M. Caacbay to help implement Memorandum Circular No. … Read more

La Mestiza

La Mestiza This term refers to a woman born of two different nationalities, typically a Filipino mother and a European father. Throughout his photo book Recuerdos de Filipinas, Felix Laureano celebrates his people and their land in various social, cultural, and folkloric aspects. However, he concluded the book by celebrating the beauty of the Filipino … Read more