
PUKPUK • (pook-POOK)(1) (to) strike a hard object with a hard implement, like a hammer(2) the Kapampángan art of hammering and forging metalTagálog (Filipino): pukpók Verb Conjugationmamukpuk, mámukpuk, mémukpuk – to strike with a hard implement, like a hammer (Actor Focus)pukpukan, pupukpukan, pinukpuk – to strike a hard object with a hard implement, like a … Read more


Dalandan It was National Orange Juice a few days ago! How do you say “orange” in your language? DALANDAN • (duh-luhn-DUHN)sour orange/green orange (Citrus aurantium)Tagálog (Filipino): dalandán EtymologyFrom Spanish naranja (“orange”) Derived WordDALANGÍTA • (duh-luh-NGEE-tuh)a smaller Philippine variety of the mandarin orange with green skin (Citrus nobilis)Tagálog (Filipino): dalanghíta EtymologyFrom Spanish naranjita, diminutive of naranja … Read more

Capis Shells

Capis Shells Eager to learn about a spe-SHELL bivalve that’s been a part of Filipino culture for centuries? Capis shells (Placuna placenta) have been a ubiquitous embellishment in classic Philippine built heritage. Its delicateness and translucency make it an ideal substitute for glass, which was hard to come across during the Early Spanish era. During … Read more


Siwala A few days ago, it was World Voice Day, devoted to the celebration of the phenomenon of voice, and to increase awareness of the importance of the voice and alertness to voice problems. Here are the two Kapampángan words for “voice”, one of which is a Sanskrit loanword while the other is a Spanish … Read more