We’re halfway through the year! How do you say “half” in your language?
PITNÂ / PITNGÂ • (pit-NA’) / (pit-NGA’)
(to) halve, divide
Tagálog (Filipino): hátì
Derived Word
KAPITNÂ • (kuh-pit-NA’)
Tagálog (Filipino): kalahátì
Derived Compound
KAPITÁNGANG BENGI • (kuh-pi-TAH-nguhng BEH-ngi)
(Béngi = Night)
Tagálog (Filipino): hátinggabi
Verb Conjugation
pitnan, pipitnan, pinitnâ – to halve, divide something (Object Focus)
mamitnâ, mámitnâ, mémitnâ – to halve, divide (Actor Focus)
mapitnâ, mapipitnâ, mépitnâ – to be divided or reduced to half (Stative / Actor Focus)
mangapitnâ, mángaptinâ, méngapitnâ – to be halfway through (Actor Focus)
mipitnâ, mipipitnâ, mípitnâ – to share by dividing in half (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Méngapitná né ing banua. [Kap]
Nangalahátì na ang taón. [Tag]
The year is now halfway through. [Eng]