Rare Centuries-old Books at San Agustin Museum

Rare Centuries-old Books at San Agustin Museum

Displayed at the San Agustin Museum are rare, centuries-old books in the Philippines during the Spanish occupation. These are writings that represent the languages of the archipelago to Spanish colonial missionaries’ tradition.

Compendido Del Arte De La Lengua Tagala
Fr. Gaspar De S. Agustin

Arte De La Lengua Zebuana
Fr. Francisco Encina Agustino Calzado

Diccionario De La Lengua Bisaya,Hiliguena
Y Haraya
Fr. Alfonso de Mentrida

Compendio, Y Methodo Dela Svma De las Reglas Del Arte Del Ydioma Ylocano

Arte De Lalengva Pampanga
Fr. Diego BergaƱo

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