It was Compliment Your Mirror Day a few days ago, a day to encourage self-acceptance and recognize all the things that make us exceptional, inside and out!
SALAMIN • (suh-luh-MIN)
(1) mirror, (2) glass, (3) eyeglasses
Tagálog (Filipino): salamín
From Malay cermin “mirror”
Verb Conjugation
sumalamin, sásalamin, sínalamin – to reflect, depict (Actor Focus)
salaminan, sasalaminan, sélaminan – to view, inspect, look at attentively, consider the image reflected (Object Focus)
magsalamin, mágsalamin, mégsalamin – to wear glasses; to use a mirror (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Sásalamin ya ini king kuéntu ning bié. [Kap]
Sumásalamin itó sa kuwénto ng búhay. [Tag]
This reflects the story of life. [Eng]
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