It’s also Pardon Day, and coincidentally, the image of the Santo Cristo del Perdón accompanies the Virgen de los Remedios, the Patroness of Pampanga whose feast day is celebrated today. Here’s the Kapampángan word for “power, authority” and the root word for “pardon”!
UPÁYÂ • (oo-PAH-ya’)
power, authority; pardon
Tagálog (Filipino): kapangyaríhan
From Sanskrit उपाय (upāya) “method, means; remedy”
Derived Word
PANUPÁYÂ • (puh-noo-PAH-ya’)
to pardon; to excuse oneself (object focus)
Actor Focus: manupáyâ
Tagálog (Filipino): paumanhín
Example Expression
Panupáyá pû. [Kap]
Paumanhín pô. [Tag]
Pardon me. / Excuse me. (very formal and polite) [Eng]
[This is often used to humble oneself when starting a formal query, comment, or other direct statements.]
KAPANUPÁYAN • (kuh-puh-noo-PAH-yuhn)
pardon; excuse, apology
Tagálog (Filipino): pagpapaumanhín
MAUPÁYÂ • (muh-oo-PAH-ya’)
Tagálog (Filipino): makapangyaríhan
Verb Conjugation
panupáyâ, pánupáyâ, pénupáyâ – to pardon; to excuse someone/something (Object Focus)
manupáyâ, mánupáyâ, ménupáyâ – to pardon (Actor Focus)
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