Why don’t most Kapampángans live near the sea? Because they always get SISIG! (seasick)
BÍRÛ • (BEE-roo’)
Tagálog (Filipino): bírò
Derived Word
MAPAMÍRÛ • (muh-puh-MEE-roo’)
jestful, fond of joking
Tagálog (Filipino): mapagbirô
Verb Conjugation
mamírû, mámírû, mémírû – to joke (Actor Focus)
biruan, bibiruan, binírû – to joke, make fun of someone (Object Focus)
Common Expression / Phrase
Biruan mu, … [Kap]
Birúin mo, … [Tag]
Can you believe it that…? [Eng]
Example Sentences
Biruan mu, July na! [Kap]
Birúin mo, July na! [Tag]
Can you believe that it’s July already? [Eng]
Bibiruan da ká mû. [Kap]
Binibírò lang kità. [Tag]
I’m just joking with you. [Eng]
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