It was National Look A Like Day a few days ago and this word definitely looks like another Tagalog word that has a different meaning!
LÚPA • (LOO-puh)
(1) face
(2) looks like, seems like
Tagálog (Filipino): mukhâ
Etymology and Tagalog Comparison
Kapampángan and Tagalog both use Sanskrit loanwords for their word for “face”; however, they use two different words.
Kapampángan lúpa comes from Sanskrit रूप (rūpá) “outward appearance, color, form, or shape”, via Malay rupa “form, appearance”.
Tagalog mukhâ comes from Sanskrit मुख (múkha) “mouth, face, visage”.
False Friends
LÚPA = face
Tagálog (Filipino): mukhâ
Tagálog (Filipino)
LÚPÀ = land, earth, ground, soil
Kapampángan: gabun
Their only difference in pronunciation is the glottal stop at the end of the Tagalog word.
Derived Word:
KALÚPA • (kuh-LOO-puh)
(1) look-alike
(2) to look like someone or something
Tagálog (Filipino): kamukhâ
Verb Conjugation
milúpa, milulúpa, mílúpa – to look alike, look like each other (Actor Focus)
maglúpa, máglúpa, miglúpa – to look like (Actor Focus)
Example Sentences
(1) Lúpa kang tátang.
(2) Kalúpa mé i Tátang.
(1) Mukhâ kang tátay.
(2) Kamukhâ mo si Tátay.
(1) You look like a father.
(2) You look like Father/Dad.
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