Juan and the Asuangs

Juan and the AsuangsA TALE OF PHILIPPINE GHOSTS AND SPIRITSby Jose Aruego, 1970 It is full of folkloric spirits that don’t stray from traditional beliefs but are portrayed in a way that would only present danger if not for the stories and advice told to Juan by his Lola. Juan and the Asuangs do not … Read more

Sitio Electrification Project

Sitio Electrification Project To ensure that energy in the country is reasonably priced, sustainable, secure, and efficient, the Department of Energy (@doe.govph) will be allocated PHP500 million through the Total Electrification Project, which will energize 10,000 households nationwide. The DOE will also continue the National Electrification Administration’s Sitio Electrification Project (PHP1.6 billion), which will energize … Read more

Rex Victor O. Cruz

Academician Rex Victor O. Cruz Congratulations Academician Rex Victor O. Cruz, New Professor Emeritus University of the Philippines Los Baños. You may want to read: Academician Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza

Benito M. Pacheco

Academician Benito M. Pacheco Congratulations Academician Benito M. Pacheco, New Professor Emeritus University of the Philippines Diliman. You may want to read: Rafael D. Guerrero III Rex Victor O. Cruz

Mali: The Golden Maiden

Mali: The Golden Maiden She is named as Si Nagmalitong Yawa si Nagmaling Diwata si Ginsalo Gin-agaw Humbay sa Hinmayunan Nakiling ko Lintian Nakyang ko Dalugdugan Manugpaungan-ungan Binukot nga Tuyawan Buntog nga Benlisyunan, daughter of Matan-ayon or Ayon. She is the most beautiful and powerful binukot in the world. Her whole body is golden. She … Read more