Servientes de Fuga

Servientes de Fuga is a Holy Week tradition in Fuga Island in Aparri, Cagayan. Fuga Island in Aparri is one of the most archaeologically significant places in Cagayan Province. However, it is also known for its unique Holy Week tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours through the chanting of revered Latin texts. This is … Read more

Anini-y Church

Anini-y Church or the Parish Church of San Juan Nepomuceno The third church off our Visita Iglesia list is The Anini-y Church or the Parish Church of San Juan Nepomuceno is found in Anini-y, Antique. It is the third church to be built and the oldest one still standing today. The first church was built … Read more

Penitensya ng Infanta

Penitensya ng Infanta Self-flagellation is a common form of penitensiya in different places of the Philippines during the Holy Week, but what sets the flagellants of Infanta apart from others is the way they dress when they perform the tradition. For this Maundy Thursday, we feature the unique tradition of Infanta, Quezon. The flagellants wear … Read more

San Pedro Cathedral

To end our Visita Iglesia, the last church on our list is located in Davao City, San Pedro Cathedral is the city’s premier historical landmark. San Pedro Cathedral is the city’s premier historical landmark. It was named after San Pedro (Saint Peter), the patron saint of Davao. The original structure was built in 1847 during … Read more

Pagkukubol ng Santo Entierro

Pagkukubol ng Santo Entierro in Paete, Laguna The Santo Entierro of Paete is said to be the oldest image in the town, believed to have been brought from Mexico by Spanish friars in the 16th century. Starting on Holy Wednesday, the image goes through a series of rituals in preparation for the Good Friday procession. … Read more