Centuries-old heritage churches and structures of the Diocese of Tagbilaran

Centuries-old heritage churches and structures of the Diocese of Tagbilaran These Centuries-Old Heritage Churches and Structures of the Diocese of Tagbilaran, declared by the National Museum of the Philippines as National Cultural Treasures and Important Cultural Properties are testimony to this legacy. Our Lady of Light Parish Church (Loon, Bohol) – ongoing restoration project. Punta … Read more


Kamansi 2 Popular Kamansi Dish Tinunuang Kamansi Nilung-ag nga Liso sa Kamansi April is Filipino Food Month! For this month’s Tropical Thursday series, National Museum of Bohol we will feature delectable plant-based Filipino food source. Let’s start off with the Breadnut (Artocarpus camansi) commonly called Kamansi. The kamansi belongs to the genus Artocarpus, which comes … Read more

Palosapis Tree

Palosapis Tree Palosapis (Anisoptera thurifera (Blanco) Blume Palosapis is a medium sized to very large tree that grows up to 60 meters tall. Endemic to the Philippines,it grows in evergreen dipterocarp forests, on ridges, or scattered in small groups in lowland forests, especially on sedimentary rocks. Its wood is suitable for general construction work, interior … Read more

Pahutan Tree

Pahutan Tree Pahutan (Mangifera altissima Blanco) Pahutan is an erect evergreen tree, growing from 12 to 35 meters tall, with occasional specimens known to have attained heights of 54 meters. They grow in primary lowland, inland forests, and sometimes, coastal forests. Looking similar to a mango, the fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. The … Read more

Molave Tree

Molave Tree Molave (Vitex parviflora Juss.) Molave is a medium-sized to fairly large tree with a spreading crown. It partially or entirely sheds its leaves during the latter part of the dry season. The tree is common in both secondary and open primary forests at low altitudes throughout the Philippines. Thus, these forests are often … Read more