Pampanga’s known for many things that fly, from having its own international airport and air base to its famous balloon festival of everything that flies!
SULAGPÓ / SULÁPÓ • (su-luhg-PO, su-LAH-PO)
flight; to fly
Tagálog (Filipino): lipád
Derived word:
airport (literally “where one flies”; a rarely used neologism)
Tagálog (Filipino): pálípáran
Verb conjugation:
súlagpó, súsulagpó , sínulagpó – to fly (actor focus)
pasulagpó, pásulagpó, pésulagpó – to fly something; to make something fly (object focus)
Example sentence:
Súlagpó tá na! [Kap] (City Motto of Angeles City)
Lipad/Lumipad na tayo! [Tag]
Let’s fly/soar high now! [Eng]
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