Camilo C. Roa Jr.

Happy birthday to Academician Camilo C. Roa Jr.! Dr. Roa is an internationally recognized expert in Respiratory Medicine. He is recognized for his pioneering and translational research on tuberculosis that explored outpatient Supervised Short-course Chemotherapy, which contributed to the adoption of WHO’s Directly Observed Therapy Short course or DOTS strategy in the national program. He … Read more

Dr. Pedro B. Escuro

Dr. Pedro B. Escuro was a plant breeder, Professor, extension worker, and consultant in agricultural projects. Among other agricultural contributions, he led the development, isolation, and release of nine Seed Board rice varieties. He earned multiple awards, including the Presidential Plaque of Merit for outstanding accomplishments in rice improvement (1967) and the Rizal Pro Patria … Read more

Alfonso M. Albano

Happy birthday to Corresponding Member Alfonso M. Albano!  Dr. Albano is recognized for his exemplary contributions in laying the theoretical foundation for the description of transport processes through and along the dividing surface between two dissimilar media and the development and refinement of computational techniques for the analysis of data from complex systems. This has … Read more

Andres Novales (Emperor Novales)

Andres Novales (Emperor Novales) Inspired by the events in Latin America, Andres Novales, an army captain, declared himself Emperor of the Philippines on June 1, 1823. He overthrew the government and took over the Palacio del Gobernador, the Cabildo, and the Manila Cathedral. However, in less than a day, he was captured and on the … Read more

Rizal as a student

Rizal as a student Jose Rizal, our country’s most prominent national hero, was a very studious student when he was still very young. He first enrolled at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, earning his Bachiller en Artes with top marks. At the University of Santo Tomas he pursued preparatory courses for law, but upon learning … Read more