The Kapampangan paella has its roots in the precolonial biryani dishes from South Asia. It is made from rice and glutinous rice (lakatan) mixtures cooked in coconut milk (gata), turmeric (ange), chicken, and chicken stock, and topped with a sliced boiled egg.
It’s National Spanish Paella Day! Did you know that Kapampángans have a dish that originates from the biryani and was later influenced by the paella?
It is typically only served during special events such as fiestas or family get-togethers as the dish is difficult to prepare.
Upon Spanish colonization, the dish was influenced by and merged with the Spanish/Valencian Paella and arroz a la valenciana leading to its current similarity to the Filipino Paella. Ingredients such as chorizo de bilbao, sliced boiled egg as toppings, and other paelya ingredients were added which complete the bringhe in its current form. What sets the Kapampangan biringyi apart from the general Filipino paella is the use of coconut milk which goes back to its South Indian origins.
BIRINGYI • (bi-ring-YI)
bringhe, a Kapampángan rice dish originating from the Indian biryani / Tamil brinji with later influence from the Spanish / Valencian paella and arroz a la valenciana
Tagálog (Filipino): bríngheEtymology
From Tamil பிரிஞ்சி (piriñci) [bɪɾɪɲdʒɪ] “brinji”, a Tamil rice dish which is a South Indian variation of the biryani.
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