El Gobernador y el Obispo

El Gobernador y el ObispoFelix Resurreccion Hidalgo1896 The El Gobernador y el Obispo is an oil painting by Filipino artist Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo (1855-1913). It shows Don Gomez Perez Dasmariñas, 7th Governor and Captain-General of the Philippines, and Fray Domingo de Salazar, a Dominican Friar and 1st Bishop of Manila deliberating about the dispatch of … Read more

Mga Sayang Pumilaylay

In celebration of the 126th Anniversary of Philippine Independence, the NHCP Museo ni Emilio Aguinaldo and the Municipality of Kawit present “Mga Sáyang Pumilayláy: The Lilith Reyes-Perez Collection”. The exhibit will open on the 12th of June 2024, Wednesday, at 9:00 a.m. at the GF of the Aguinaldo Shrine. Mga Sáyang Pumilayláy is an exhibition … Read more

The Assassination of Governor Bustamante

The painting “El Asesinato del Gobernador Bustamante” (The Assassination of Governor Bustamante) by Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo, which hangs in the National Museum of Fine Arts, depicts a significant and controversial historical event. Governor-General Bustamante, upon assuming office in 1717, discovered significant losses in the Royal treasury and arrested several officials and members of religious corporations … Read more

Portrait of an Old Woman by Araceli Limcaco Dans

Portrait of an Old Woman by Araceli Limcaco DansARACELI LIMCACO DANS(1929-2024) The National Museum of the Philippines mourns the passing of Araceli Limcaco Dans, an artist, art educator, and Presidential Medal of Merit awardee for co-founding the Philippine Art Educators Association (PAEA). She was known for her hyperrealistic paintings of calado, an embroidered pineapple or … Read more

Ima, Ing Asu Tinakla Ya (Mother, the Dog Pooped!)

The animated short film Ima, Ing Asu Tinakla Ya (Mother, the Dog Pooped!), advocates for the promotion and usage of kulitan or Sulat Kapampangan – the Indigenous Kapampangan script that has survived since the 1300s. This was an official entry to NPF’s Rhizomatic Interventions in 2020. You may want to read: Fu Dogs at San … Read more