On the 25th of June, 1864, Galicano Apacible was born in Balayan, Batangas.
Galicano Apacible was a doctor. He was also a propagandist in Spain who, with Jose Rizal and other Filipino leaders, co-founded the La Solidaridad. He served as its first president.
During the revolution, and then the war against the United States, he became the chairman of Comite Central Filipino in Hong Kong. He also served as a diplomat working for the recognition of Philippine sovereignty.
After the war, he entered politics. He was elected as governor and assemblyman in Batangas from 1907 to 1916. A year later, he was appointed as secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Galicano retired from politics in 1921 and lived a civilian life until his death on 22 March 1949. He died at the age of 85 years old.
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