July 17 is World Day for International Justice. Did you know that the Kapampángan word for “justice” comes from a Persian loanword in Kapampángan?
KATALARUAN • (kuh-tuh-luh-RWUHN)
Root Word: talarû (“scales, balance”)
Tagálog (Filipino): katárúngan (root: Cebuano tarong “fair, just”)
Root Word
TALARÛ • (tuh-luh-ROO’)
scales, balance; equal weight; judge, justice (katalaruan)
Synonyms: timbángan (scales), timbang (weight), ukum (judge)
Tagálog (Filipino): timbángan (scales), timbáng (weight), hukóm (judge)
Tagálog cognate: talarô [uncommon]
From Persian ترازو (tarâzu) “balance, scales”, via Malay teraju “balance, scales”
Derived Word
MATALARÛ • (muh-tuh-luh-ROO’)
just, fair
Tagálog (Filipino): makatárúngan, pátas
Verb Conjugation
manalarû, mánalarû, ménalarû – to weigh faithfully, judge fairly (Actor Focus)
tálarû, tátalarû, tínalarû – to weigh faithfully, judge fairly (Actor Focus)
Example Phrase (Lines 5-6 of the Imno ning Kapampangan or the Hymn of Pampanga)
Bátis ning katalaruan at panamdam makabalén [Kap]
Bátis ng katárúngan at damdáming makabáyan [Tag]
Fountain of justice and patriotism [Eng]
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