Did you know that the Kapampángan root words for “to cook” and “red” are pronounced exactly the same?
LÚTÛ • (LOO-too’)
red, redness
Tagálog (Filipino): pulá
LÚTÛ • (LOO-too’)
(to) cook; cooking, cuisine
Tagálog (Filipino): lútò
Derived Words
MALÚTÛ • (muh-LOO-too’)
red, reddish
Tagálog (Filipino): pulá (red), mapulá (reddish)
MALÚTÛ • (muh-LOO-too’)
to get cooked
Tagálog (Filipino): malútò
Perfective Forms
turned red
Tagálog (Filipino): namulá
got cooked
Tagálog (Filipino): nalútò
LUTÛ • (loo-TOO’)
Tagálog (Filipino): lutô
Verb Conjugation
maglútû, máglútû, méglútû – to cook (Actor Focus)
ilútû, lulútû, linútû – to cook (Object Focus)
paglútû, páglútû, piglútû – to cook for (Benefactive Focus)
lumútû, lúlútû, línûtû – to turn red (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence:
Malútú ya pa; é ya pa lutû. [Kap]
Mapulá pa siya; hindî pa siya lutô. [Tag]
It’s still reddish; it’s not yet cooked. [Eng]
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