Retired Col. Ibarra Mariano, 87, is one of the oldest bar examinees this year.
He finished law school 51 years ago but only took the Bar in 1995 but failed.

The second Sunday of 2018 Bar examinations have been concluded at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila.
The examinees almost all agree that today’s tests are very difficult.
Taxation law is considered by some to be the most difficult of all and the
questions are very long.
Meanwhile, retired Col.Ibarra Mariano, one of the oldest examinees at the age
of 87, does not care about the long hours of answering.
He said that in 1967, he finished his law education but he only took the bar exam
in 1995 after he retired from the service.
Col.Ibarra Mariano, the oldest bar examinee this 2018 bar exam believed he could
pass the test a second time.
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