BRP Antonio Luna ranks 3rd in Live-fire exercise

The AFP congratulates the men and women of the Philippine Navy’s BRP Antonio Luna for ranking 3rd in the Naval Surface Fire Support System drill during the recently concluded Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) in Hawaii. The Philippine Navy’s missile frigate BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) was adjudged as one of the best gunnery ships … Read more

Academician Rafael D. Guerrero III

Belated happy birthday to Academician Rafael D. Guerrero III! (August 7) Dr. Guerrero III is recognized for his scientific and technological contributions to the development of sex reversal and hatchery techniques that led to the commercial production of high-yielding market-size tilapia in the Philippines and other countries. You may want to read: Camilo Roa Evelyn … Read more

The South Commuter Railway Project

Did you know? The South Commuter Railway Project (SCRP) – a section of the North-South Commuter Railway (NSCR) network designed to improve connectivity within the Greater Manila Area – is Asian Development Bank’s largest infrastructure investment to date. The railway system will serve more than 600,000 passengers daily by 2040 and is seen to reduce … Read more

Academician Jose Maria P. Balmaceda

Happy birthday to Academician Jose Maria P. Balmaceda! Dr. Balmaceda is recognized for his significant research contributions to the representation and structure theory of finite groups and related structures. He has applied group theoretic and algebraic methods to investigate association schemes whose theory serves as a unifying framework for studying algebraic graphs, codes, designs, and … Read more

Tuna Kinilaw

Tuna Kinilaw A cuisine of freshness using freshly caught fish cooked in a liquid fire using vinegar or the acidity from calamansi. Tuna kinilaw is a favored dish that cuts across class and religion and is ever-present from carinderia to restaurants. Plan your food holidays in Davao! Kinilaw na Tuna (Video) You may want to … Read more