What is Sulong Pilipinas?

Sulong Pilipinas is the annual consultative conference between the Duterte administration and various citizen groups. Based on a 21st-century town hall concept, the Sulong Pilipinas consultative workshops enable constructive and lively discussions between participants. Instead of experts leading the conversations throughout, they only provide technical inputs upfront and then serve as resource persons as the … Read more

3 Main Barriers to Investment in the Philippines

Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) have identified the three main barriers to foreign investments in the Philippines. Foreign Equity Restrictions; High Costs of Doing Business; COVID-19 Pandemic. To address such restrictions on foreign equity, the government has passed into law three economic liberalization bills amending the Public Service Act (PSA), Retail Trade Liberalization Act (RTLA), and … Read more

Balaw Balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery

Balaw Balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery Built-in 1883, Vocalan put up the Balaw-Balaw Restaurant, where they serve exotic dishes such as sauteed ants and crickets, rabbit, fried frogs, woodworms, horse tapa, etc. This place showcases artworks considered one of the Philippine cultural treasures in the field of visual arts. The Ang Nuno Gallery is a … Read more

Angono Fisherman’s Festival

Angono Fisherman’s Festival Did you know? That this painting by Jose “Pitok” Blanco titled “Angono Fisherman’s Festival” contains more than a hundred human figures, and all are faces of real people! This mural painting took two years to complete, and Pitok visited each of his neighbor’s houses to sketch the town folk’s faces. He even … Read more

Casa Rocha

Casa Rocha Each year, on April 18, the world celebrates World Heritage Day. This year’s theme is Heritage and Climate which is relevant and timely as the Philippines is identified as one of the countries most vulnerable to Climate Change. Indeed, these past few years, the country had experienced stronger typhoons, rising sea levels, and … Read more