Bitaog Tree

Bitaog Tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) 1. Has extensive rooting system found on coastal areas. 2. Serves as a defense against strong winds along with mangroves. 3. Native to the Philippines. You may want to read: Talisay Tree Tibig Tree Pedada Tree

Native Philippine Trees

Native Philippine Trees Ideal in Urban Setting Pili (Canarium Ovatum)1. Has an extensive root system.2. Buttresses give extra support against typhoons.3. Protects soil from heavy saturation.4. Native to the Philippines. Kamagong (Diospyros blancoi)1. One of the country’s hardest woods.2. Deep roots make it an effective windbreak.3. Native to the Philippines. Bitaog (Calophyllum inophyllum)1. Has extensive … Read more

13 Martyrs of Bagumbayan

13 Martyrs of Bagumbayan (Trece Martires De Bagumbayan) Today, January 11, 2021, is the 124th anniversary of the 13 Martyrs of Bagumbayan. These leading Filipinos were accused of complicity in the Revolution vs. Spain. Many were Masons, supporters of the Propaganda Movement, and members of La Liga Filipina. 13 patriots were executed by the Spanish … Read more

H1 vs J1 visa residency

H1 vs J1 visa residency H1 Visa that allows U.S employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. Contracts are reviewed by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) through the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO). Qualified for the benefits provided by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA). May change their status to permanent … Read more


Banagan (Panulirus versicolor)(Painted Spiny Lobster) This year’s first Marine Monday series, National Museum Bohol is featuring a species of crustacean inhabiting seas around Bohol, the Painted Spiny Lobster (Panulirus versicolor) locally called Banagan. The Painted Spiny Lobster is one of the several species under the family of PalinuridaeLatrielle and a member of the crustacean class … Read more