This Memorial Day, we remember our Kapampángan fallen heroes and Filipino Scouts who served our nation under the United States Armed Forces during World War II, many of whom are buried at the Clark Veterans Cemetery in Clark, Pampanga.
To my veteran Kapampángan elders, ápû & ingkung, who are no longer with me today, this one’s for you. I thank you for your service.
PÁMIGANAKÂ • (PAH-mi-guh-nuh-KA’)
remembering, remembrance
Tagálog (Filipino): pag-alaála (root word: alaála “memory”)
Root Word
GANAKÂ • (guh-nuh-KA’)
minding, consideration
Ganakâ is a Kapampángan root word that encompasses a wide range of concepts related to the mind, such as minding, reminding, remembering, worrying, and thoughtfulness/kindness.
Possible Etymology
One of the major influences of Kapampángan is Sanskrit, which comes from India.
A possible etymology of the Kapampángan word ganakâ (“minding, consideration”) is the Sanskrit word गणक (gaṇaka) which means “one who reckons”.
Derived Words:
MAGANAKÂ • (muh-guh-nuh-KA’)
kind, friendly, thoughtful
Tagálog (Filipino): mabaít (Root Word: baít “kind(ness)”)
KAGANAKAN • (kuh-guh-nuh-KUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): kabáítan
consideration, remembering
Tagálog (Filipino): pag-aalaála (Root Word: alála “remember”), pakundángan (“consideration”)
Verb Conjugation
ganakan, gaganakan, génakâ – to consider, take into account, remember (Object Focus)
áganakâ, ágaganakâ, áganakâ – to be able to remember (Object Focus)
paganakâ, páganakâ, péganakâ – to remind about something (Object Focus)
miganakâ, migáganakâ, míganakâ – to worry (Actor Focus)
Example sentence:
Alí ka migáganakâ, ágaganaká ra ka. [Kap]
Huwag kang mag-alalá, naáalála kitá. [Tag]
Don’t worry, I remember you. /
Don’t worry, you’re on my mind. [Eng]
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