The PNP All Saints Day reminders to the public.

On November 1st comes Undas or All Saints Day.
In the Philippines, November 1st is Araw ng mga Patáy (Day of the Dead), also popularly known by the Spanish term Todos Los Santos.
Among the traditions of the day is the family’s visit to the cemetery, where tombs are cleaned or repainted, candles are lit, and flowers are offered.
The members of the family also play cards, eat and drink at the cemetery. It is a national holiday.
On this occasion, the Philippine National Police reminds the public to
- Bring enough drinking water and food
- Make sure that the lit candles will not cause a fire
- Intoxicating drinks and merchandise for sale are not allowed
- Make sure children have id or paper with identification
- Bring protection for rain and heat
- Keep your area and environment clean
- It is illegal to carry deadly or bladed weapons, loudspeakers and gambling supplies
- Find out the first aid station and PNP assistance desk for emergency or police assistance
- Take care of your belongings
- Be aware of scrupulous persons pretending to be priests or distant relatives
Remember these numbers:
911 National Emergency Hotline
09178475757 PNP Text Hotline
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