The Philippines’ fragrant national flower (sampaguita) comes from the Kapampángan word for “flower”!
The month of May in the Philippines marks the celebration of the Flores de Mayo or “Flowers of May” in honor of the Virgin Mary. In Pampanga, another flower festival is celebrated during the month in honor of a town’s industry as one of the top growers of the national flower of the Philippines, the Sampaguita.
SAMPÁGA • (suhm-PAH-guh)
Tagálog (Filipino): bulaklák
From Sanskrit चम्पक (campaka) “champak tree known for its fragrant flowers”
Derived Word:
SAMPAGÍTA • (suhm-puh-GEE-tuh)
sampaguita (Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac), the national flower of the Philippines
champak plant/tree (Magnolia champaca), known for its fragrant flowers
Tagálog (Filipino): tsampáka
Verb Conjugation:
Actor Focus (“to flower, bloom”)
Infinitive / Future: maniampága
Present: mániampága
Past: méniampága
Example Sentence:
Mániampága ya ing sampagíta. [Kap]
Namúmulaklak ang sampaguíta. [Tag]
The sampaguita is flowering/blooming. [Eng]
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