Happy World Teachers’ Day to all teachers, educators, and mentors out there! Did you know that the root word for “to teach” in Kapampángan is also its root word for “to point”? How do you say “teach” in your language?
TURÛ • (too-ROO’)
taught; teaching, doctrine; (to) teach; (to) point
Tagálog (Filipino): túrò
Derived Words:
TALATURÛ • (tuh-luh-too-ROO’)
someone who teaches, teacher, instructor, mentors
Tagálog (Filipino): tagatúrò
TUTURÛ • (too-too-ROO’)
index finger, pointing finger
Tagálog (Filipino): hintuturô
Verb Conjugation:
(Infinitive/Future, Present, Past)
túrû, túturû, tínurû – to teach (actor focus)
iturû, tuturû, tírû – to point; to teach (object focus)
turuánan, tuturuánan, tiruánan – to teach (object/goal focus)
mipanurû, mipápanurû, mípanurû – to point/blame at each other (actor focus)
Example Sentence:
Tiruánan dá kung masalésé ring méstrá ku. [Kap]
Tinurúan akó nang maáyos ng mgá gúrò ko. [Tag]
My teachers taught me well. [Eng]
masalésé = maayos = well
méstra = guro = teacher