How do you say “truth” in your language?
TUTÛ • (too-TOO’)
true, real, genuine; truth
Tagálog (Filipino): totoó (to-to-‘OH)
Derived Words:
KATUTUAN • (kuh-too-TWUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): katotohánan
PATUTÛ • (puh-too-TOO’)
Tagálog (Filipino): patotoó
Verb Conjugation
tútû, tútutû, tínutû – to be truthful (Actor Focus)
magkátutû, mágkátutû, migkátutû – to become reality (Actor Focus)
magpatutû, mágpatutû, migpatutû – to testify, to tell the truth (Actor Focus)
patutuan, pátutuan, pétutuan – to give testimony; to certify, verify, prove (Object Focus)
Example Sentence:
Sabian mu káku ing tutû. [Kap]
Sabíhin mo sa ákin ang totoó. [Tag]
Tell me the truth. [Eng]
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