Ways to reduce cancer risk

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Yet, many of these
deaths can be avoided.
Between 30-50% of cancers are preventable by healthy lifestyle choices.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the Philippines.
The leading causes of death in the Philippines are diseases of the heart, diseases
of the vascular system, pneumonias, malignant neoplasms/cancers, all forms of
tuberculosis, accidents, COPD and allied conditions, diabetes mellitus,
nephritis/nephritic syndrome and other diseases of respiratory system. Among these
diseases, six are non-communicable and four are the major NCDs such as CVD, cancers,
COPD and diabetes mellitus. DOH
10 Ways to reduce cancer risk
- Do not smoke or use any form of tobacco
- Make your home smoke-free
- Enjoy a healthy diet
- Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s cancer risk
- Vaccinate your children against Hepatitis B and HPV
- Avoid too much sun, use sun protection
- Reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution
- Be physically active
- Limit alcohol intake
- Take part in organized cancer screening programmes