It’s Rain Day! Here’s a unique Kapampángan word that refers to rain that is blown by the wind, along with the general Kapampángan word for “rain”! Do you have a word in your language that refers to this rain concept?
ANGGÎ • (uhng-GEE’)
spray of rain blown by wind
Tagálog: ampiyás, anggí (both dialectal and not very common)
Verb Conjugation
manggî, mámanggî, minanggî – for rain to be blown by wind (Stative / Actor Focus)
Common Expression
The rain is being blown by the wind!
Example Sentence
Lúlub king áwang ing anggî. [Kap]
Pumápások sa bintánà ang ulán/ampiyás/anggí. [Tag]
The spray of rain is coming in through the window. [Eng]
URAN • (oo-RUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): ulán
Derived Words
KÁURAN • (KAH-oo-ruhn)
rainy season
Tagálog (Filipino): tag-ulán
In the Philippines, the rainy season runs from late May/June to around October/November.
MURAN • (moo-RUHN)
to rain
Tagálog (Filipino): umulán
MAURAN • (muh-oo-RUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): maulán
Verb conjugation:
muran, múmuran, minuran – to rain (Stative / Actor Focus)
miyuránan, miyuyuránan, míyuránan – to get rained on (Object Focus)
Example sentence:
Alang tuknang ing uran. [Kap]
Waláng tígil ang ulán. [Tag]
The rain is non-stop. [Eng]
alâ = wala = no, none