Atin ang Bajo de Masinloc, Atin ang Kalayaan, Palawan
Retired Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio delivered a lecture on why Bajo de Masinloc and Kalayaan Island Group are part of the Philippines this morning, 14 November 2024, at the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) in Pasig City.
He emphasized that these features were recognized as part of the Philippine archipelago through the Treaty of Washington signed between Spain and the United States on 7 November 1900.
The lecture served as the closing of the exhibit “Pagasa sa Gitna ng Kalayaan” which was mounted by the NHCP through the NHCP Museo El Deposito and the UA&P and opened on 9 October 2024.
Dr. Philip Michael Paje, Chairperson of the UA&P Asia Pacific Studies Department, welcomed the participants to the program which was moderated by Atty. Michael Marlowe. Atty. Jemy Gatdula, Dean of the UA&P Institute of Law, gave a reaction before the floor was opened for questions. Dr. Marion Magsino, Dean of the UA&P College of Arts & Sciences, closed the program.
Initially mounted at the National Library of the Philippines in July, the exhibit featured recent photographs taken by Mr. Paul Quiambao during an expedition to Pag-asa Island in Kalayaan, Palawan. It also included facsimiles of historic maps, the Flag of Freedomland established by Admiral Tomas Cloma, and a miniature of BRP Sierra Madre permanently stationed on Ayungin Shoal.