Before the year ends, let’s take a look back at the Kapampángan word for “before”, which is also the word for “new”, and the root word for “change”!
BÁYU • (BAH-yoo)
(adj.) new
(prep.) before
Tagálog (Filipino): bágo
Derived words:
PÁMAGBÁYU • (PAH-muhg-BAH-yoo)
Tagálog (Filipino): pagbabágo
PANIBÁYU • (puh-ni-BAH-yoo)
new, fresh, another
Tagálog (Filipino): panibágo
PASIBÁYU • (puh-si-BAH-yoo)
Tagálog (Filipíno): ulít
Verb Conjugation:
magbáyu, mágbáyu, migbáyu – to change (actor focus)
bayuan, babayuan, bináyu – to change something (object focus)
Example sentence:
Migbáyú né báyu pa ing Báyung Banua. [Kap]
Nagbágo na siya bágo pa ang Bágong Taón. [Tag]
S/he has already changed even before the New Year. [Eng]
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