Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines is an archipelago dotted with volcanoes. The Kapampángan region itself is surrounded by two—a dormant but potentially active Mt. Arayat to its east, and the active and recently erupted Mt. Pinatubo to its west. While they are infamous for the hazards they pose, they are also responsible for the fertile land that makes Central Luzon an important agricultural region of the country.
BULKAN • (bool-KUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): bulkán
From Spanish volcán (“volcano”)
Example Sentence:
Mémakbung ya ing Bulkang Pinatúbû. [Kap]
Pumutók ang Bulkáng Pinatúbò. [Tag]
Pinatubo Volcano erupted. [Eng]
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