An interesting semantic development in Kapampángan is how the word for “to neglect” (paburén / paburian) originated from the root word for “to like, want” (buri)! This developed from the sense of “paburian” as “to let something have what it wants”, hence becoming “to leave something be”.
BURÎ • (boo-REE’)
(to) like, want (object-focused verb)
Tagálog (Filipino): gustó
Intensive Form:
KABURÎ • (kuh-buh-REE’)
likes very much
Tagálog: gustóng-gustó
Derived Word:
KABURIAN / KABURIÁNAN • (kuh-boo-RYUHN) / (kuh-boo-RYAH-nuhn)
want, desire, preference, wish
Tagálog: kagustúhan
Verb Conjugation:
áburî, ábuburî, áburî – to like, enjoy something (object focus)
paburén, páburén/pápaburén, péburén/pépaburén – to let, leave be; to neglect (object focus; this comes from the sense of “to let something have what it wants”)
Example Sentences:
Burí da ka. [Kap]
Gustó kitá. [Tag]
I like you. [Eng]
Nánung burí mu? [Kap]
Anóng gustó mo? [Tag]
What do you want? / What would you like? [Eng]
Áburí né ini. [Kap]
Magúgustuhan niya itó. [Tag]
S/he will like this. [Eng]
Paburén mu né. [Kap]
Pabayáan/Hayáan mo na. [Tag]
Just leave it be. / Don’t worry about it anymore. [Eng]
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