LPG Act (Senate Bill No. 1955)

LPG Act (Senate Bill No. 1955) The proposed LPG Act, according to Senator Gatchalian has already passed the third reading. The purpose of this measure is to protect and give consumers the freedom to choose the LPG brand that suits their needs. The LPG Act aims to: Provide responsibilities of LPG participants such as those … Read more

Teacher Education Council Act

Teacher Education Council Act (Senate Bill No. 1887) This bill aims at pushing for reforms that will strengthen the Teacher Education Council and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines to raise the quality of our teachers’ skills. Goals: Increase the membership of the teacher education council Institutionalize the National Educators Academy of the Philippines … Read more

Proposed Bayanihan 3: Key Provisions

Proposed Bayanihan 3: Key Provisions Php 1,000 for every Filipino Php 1,000 for every student and teacher Php 8,000 for workers qualified for unemployment assistance or small business wage subsidy. Total Amount: Php 420 billion Php 100 billion: Capacity building assistance for critically impacted businesses. Php 108 billion: Household subsidies through DSWD Social Amelioration Program. … Read more

February had the highest number of marriages

February had the highest number of marriages in the Philippines. According to the PSA, the month of February had the highest number of registered marriages from January to September 2020 at 40,889. February is the month with the highest number of registered marriages in 2020 with a total of 40,889 recorded marriages. You may want … Read more