It’s Sagittarius season! How do you say “archer” in your language?
(1) is shooting arrows; (2) archer
Tagálog (Filipino): pumápánà (verb); mámamánà (noun); root word: pánà (“bow and arrow”)
Root Word
PÁNÂ • (PAH-na’)
bow and arrow
Tagálog (Filipino): pánà
Verb Conjugation
mamánâ, mámánâ, mémánâ – to shoot arrows (Actor Focus)
panan, papanan, pinánâ – to shoot something/someone with arrows (Object Focus)
mapánâ, mapapánâ, mépánâ – to get shot with an arrow (Stative / Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Mépáná ya king gúlut. [Kap]
Napánâ siya sa likód. [Tag]
S/He got shot with an arrow at the back. [Eng]