It was Reach As High As You Can Day last week! How do you say “high” in your language?
MÁTAS • (MAH-tuhs)
high, tall
Tagálog (Filipino): mataás (high), matangkád (tall [person])
Root Word
TAS • (tuhs)
root for “high, tall” & “to raise, elevate”
Also: átas
Tagálog (Filipino): taás (high), tangkád (tall [person])
Derived Word
KÁTAS • (KAH-tuhs)
(1) height, highness, tallness
(2) so high/tall (intensive form of mátas)
Tagálog (Filipino): (1) taás, kataásan, tangkád, katangkáran (height of people); (2) ang taás/tangkád
PATAS • (puh-TUHS)
Tagálog (Filipino): pataás
Verb Conjugation
tumas, tátas, tínas – to rise; ascend; become higher/taller; go upwards (Actor Focus)
itas, tatas, tinas – to raise something; lift something; uplift something; elevate something (Object Focus)
Example Sentence
Mátas ku láwé kéka. [Kap]
Mataás ang tingín ko sa iyó. [Tag]
I have a high regard for you. [Eng]
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