How To Save On Bank Fees and Charges?

  How To Save On Bank Fees and Charges? Perhaps once in your life, you were told by your parents to be thrifty and frugal because life is hard. Most of you were told to save some money in the bank so you can have something to use in case of an emergency. You may … Read more

What To Do If You Become A Victim of Laglag Bala?

  I stumbled upon this infographic on facebook on what to do in case you will become a victim of laglag bala in NAIA or other Philippine airports.   What To Do If A Bullet Is Found Inside Your Bag?   Stay Calm Firmly deny prior knowledge of the bullet.   Do Not Open Your … Read more

Laglag Taxi Driver Gang Members Arrested

Laglag Taxi Driver Gang is a criminal syndicate operating in Metro Manila. The Modus Operandi of the gang is to wait for a taxi to victimize. Once a particular taxi is determined, they will flag it and ride in the taxi. Once the taxi reached a less densely populated and dark area with lots of … Read more

Solenn Heussaff: Proud of her Performance in Flotsam

Solemn Heussaff is very proud of her new movie Flotsam. Roco Nacino is also in this movie. Solenn said that she is happy that she was given a movie that is different from her earlierĀ movies. Flotsam is a movie consisting of eight different classes of love stories that happened at a surfing destination in La … Read more